What is long term care? - Thumbay University Hospital

What is long term care?

Long term care includes the variety of the services designed to meet the person’s health or the personal care needs over a short or long period of time. These services help people to live as the independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform daily activities on their own.


Long-term care is provided in different settings by different providers, depending on the person’s needs. Most long-term care at home is provided by unpaid family members and friends. It may also be given in a facility such as a nursing home or in the community, for example, at an adult day care center.

The most common type of long-term care is personal care – assistance with daily activities, also called “activities of daily living.” These activities include bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, eating, and moving – e.g. getting out of bed and sitting in a chair.

Long term care also includes the community services such as meals, adult day care, and transportation services. These services can be provided free of the charge or for a fee.

People often need long-term care when they have a serious and persistent health condition or disability. The need for long-term care can arise suddenly, such as a heart attack or stroke. However, it most often develops gradually, as people get older and weaker or as disease or disability worsens.

Who needs long-term care?

It is difficult to predict how much or what type of long-term care a person may need. Several things increase the risk of the needing long term care.

  • The risks generally increase as people get older.
  • Women are at greater risk than men, mainly because they often live longer.
  • Social status. Singles are more likely to need sponsorship from a paid provider than married people.
  • Poor diet and exercise habits can increase a person’s risk of infection.
  • Health and family history. These factors also affect the risk.

What are the different types of home long-term care services?

Long-term care at home includes health, personal and support services to help people stay home and live as independently as possible. Most long-term care is provided either in the home of the person receiving services or at the home of a family member. Home services may be short-term – for someone recovering from surgery, for example – or long-term for people who need ongoing help.

Most home services include the personal care, such as help with bathing, dressing, taking medications, and supervision to make sure the person is safe. Family members, partners, friends and the neighbors provide most of this type of care.

Long-term care services may also be provided at home by paid care providers, including informally located caregivers, and health care professionals such as nurses, home health care aides, therapists, and housewives, who are hired through home health care agencies. These services include: home health care, housewife services, friendly visitor/escort services, and emergency response systems.

Home health care

Home health care includes part-time medical services that a physician orders for a specific condition. These services may include nursing care to help a person recover from surgery, accident, or illness. Home health care may also include physical, occupational or speech therapy and temporary home health assistance services. These services are provided by home health care agencies approved by Medicare, a government insurance program for people over 65.

Housewife and personal care services

Home health agencies offer housewife and personal care services that can be purchased without a doctor’s order. Housewife services include helping with meal preparation and household chores. Personal care includes the assistance with bathing and the dressing. Agencies do not have to obtain Medicare approval to provide these types of services.

Friendly visitor and top service attendant

Friendly visitor/escort services are usually provided by volunteers who regularly make short visits (less than 2 hours) to someone who is vulnerable or living alone. You can also purchase these services from the home health agencies.

Senior Transportation Services

Transportation services help people get to and from the medical appointments, shopping centers, and other places in the community. Some senior apartment complexes and community groups offer transportation services. Many public transportation agencies have services for people with disabilities. Some services are free. Others charge a fee.

Emergency medical alert systems

Emergency response systems automatically respond to medical and other emergencies via electronic screens. The user wears a necklace or bracelet with a push-button in case of emergency. Pressing the button calls emergency help home. This type of service is especially useful for the people who live alone or are at the risk of falling. A monthly fee is charged.

Planning for long-term care

You cannot know for sure if you will need long-term care. You may never need it, but the unexpected accident, illness or injury can change your needs, sometimes suddenly. The best time to think about the long term care is before you need it.

Planning for access to long-term care gives you time to learn about services in your community and their costs. It also allows you to make important decisions while still being able to.

People with Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive impairments should start planning for long-term care as soon as possible.